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Storage units in Jersey Shore, NJ

2,070 available units | 125 facilities

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How much is a storage unit in Jersey Shore, NJ?

Street rates can differ based on unit sizes, type of service, location and overall demand in the area. Features like climate control, 24/7 access, and enhanced security can also impact storage costs. Also worth noting is that many facilities offer discounts for long-term rentals and first-time customers – be sure to ask your preferred storage facility manager for details.

Average Storage Unit Prices by Size

Non Climate-Controlled Units*
Unit Size Avg. Street Rate
5x5 $51
5x10 $83
10x10 $148
10x15 $189
10x20 $236
10x30 $332
20x30 $678
Average all sizes $245
Climate-Controlled Units*
Unit Size Avg. Street Rate
5x5 $53
5x10 $89
10x10 $158
10x15 $205
10x20 $274
10x30 $353
20x30 $697
Average all sizes $261
*Average monthly rates for Jersey Shore, NJ, in January 2025

Non-climate controlled smallest Among the most popular unit sizes, non-climate-controlled 5x5 storage units generally come with the lowest prices, currently at $51 per month on average.

Non-climate controlled biggest Meanwhile, non-climate-controlled 20x30 storage units call for $678 per month on average.

Climate controlled range Prices for climate-controlled storage units range from $53 for 5x5 units to $697 for 20x30 units.

The types of storage — self storage, car storage, RV storage, boat storage, and wine storage — can also influence pricing, mainly due to factors like space requirements, specialized needs and amenities. Self storage typically involves smaller units for personal items, while car, RV and boat storage require larger spaces and enhanced security. Wine storage demands specific climate control.

Frequently Asked Questions

What storage unit size do I need?

There’s a range of unit sizes in Jersey Shore, NJ. Rent a 5'x5' unit to hold some boxes, a 10'x10' for a bedroom’s contents, or a 10'x20' for a car. Find out more about the right unit size for your needs in our self storage unit size guide, or use storage unit size calculator to identify the type of unit that can best fit the items you need to store.

How to find storage near me

Looking for the best storage options in Jersey Shore, NJ? We’ve got you covered with the most extensive inventory of listings, conveniently available online. Use our location finder to search for storage space in your desired area and easily compare features, prices and unit sizes to find the perfect spot for all your stuff.

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